Maybe It’s Not Your Fault


In January of 2014, I joyfully learned that my husband and I were expecting our second child. After a complicated first pregnancy that led to a premature birth (by God’s grace our son was born healthy and strong), I had made many lifestyle changes that I thought would lead to a much healthier second pregnancy.

On the outside, I looked fit. I was exercising, eating no dairy, consuming lean poultry and fish and I was taking vitamins. Unfortunately, despite all of my best efforts, at 10 weeks gestation, my baby and I were facing a life-threatening condition. I had pulmonary emboli and the clots were covering 90% of my lung capacity. I was battling heart failure. Through the work of a miracle coupled with ICU care and medical support, we survived! I was able to carry him to 37 weeks and was blessed with a beautiful labor experience.

The recovery from such heavy trauma to my lungs and heart was a long and arduous one. Many tests were run to see if there were any genetic markers that could indicate why I clotted. No tests showed evidence.

I began to feel like my body had changed at the cellular level. I was chronically fatigued and I suddenly found myself having adverse reactions to a variety of foods. A year post-partum I learned that my joints were suffering too. I had a tear in my medial meniscus on the left knee and a tear in the labrum of my left hip. Surgery would be required for both.

These hardships left me feeling physically defeated. Spiritually I was experiencing Jesus Christ more intimately than ever before. But physically I continued to suffer.

In May of 2019 a glimmer of hope made its way through a phone call from a friend. She called to share some possible holistic health solutions I had never heard of: exercise and nutrition DNA testing and personalized vitamins customized just for me.

I immediately jumped on board. It was the one thing I had not tried.

What I learned from the 46-page DNA report I received radically transformed my health plan: what I eat, how I supplement and how I exercise. Starting my personalized vitamin regimen based off a free HIPAA compliant health assessment (factoring in both epigenetics and genetics while using 10,000 independent peer reviewed studies as scientific evidence) helped me drop a pant size in inflammation. I began to have energy and mental focus again. And the chronic GI distress I had been experiencing for years was almost non-existent 3 months in.

Do you feel defeated like I did? Are you stuck? Are you unsure what your unique body needs to be optimally healthy? Do you think you’re worth the investment to unlock a healthier you?

I think you are. You are wonderfully made, and I believe God has a plan for each of us ordinary men and women to do extraordinary things for His glory.

If you’ve tried “all the things’ but none of them have provided sustainable, realistic solutions – maybe it’s time to personalize your program . . . down to your DNA! I would love to hear from you. Click below to set up a free health consultation. Let’s grow strong and courageous together!


God Sows and Grows Dream Seeds


Part 1: A Journey Through Fitness