God Sows and Grows Dream Seeds


In 2015 my husband Brandon and I began dreaming about hosting a “his and her” blog.  Our two boys were one and five at the time and after a physically traumatic pregnancy in 2014, I was having to undergo two joint surgeries that year to repair tears in my left knee and hip – so the dream remained just that – a dream.  Life continued through long fulfilling days as the Lord blessed us with many other opportunities to serve: in our home, church and business.  

In 2016 we began to hear the Spirit whisper in our hearts that it was time for change; we were too comfortable.  For two years we sought Him trying to discern what new thing God was calling us to and where He was calling us to follow Him.

In 2018, it became clear.  We packed up our home in Montgomery, Alabama (which had served as our stomping grounds for 12 years) and moved to a place we knew very little about and where we knew no one: Rock Hill, South Carolina.  Our dream seed began to germinate.

Within a month, God beckoned us to follow Him again – this time around the world.  We “met” our future daughter through the Adoption Bridge website and began the process of international adoption (I’ll blog more about our 7 year adoption journey soon).

In November of 2019 Christ’s call to “follow me” had us on an airplane to Hong Kong, in the midst of protests and only weeks shy of the COVID19 outbreak.  In God’s sovereignty – He grew us into a family of five and we instantly became parents to a little girl whose life God has used to transform ours in insurmountable ways.

Through it all, the desire to reflect and write never went away.  I continued to journal and write poetry privately and I often typed updates through a private Facebook group about our lives.  I did not realize it then, but our dream seed had begun to shoot.

Then came March 15 of 2022.  My husband Brandon was preparing to take our boys to school (where they attend, and he teaches).  Just minutes before he would have hopped in the car to drive them, he collapsed in the bathroom from a bilateral stroke. 

Through tremendous suffering yet also miraculous healing, we were able to experience God’s power once again.  I took to writing in a private FB group once again as I prayed, processed and shared our experiences.  When others began to feel encouraged and some even inspired by these reflections, it became evident that I was no longer just writing for myself.  Our little seed had broken ground.

In every season of life, God has taught us new lessons as it relates to both physical and spiritual health.  He has graciously walked us through trials as the faithful and unfailing love of Christ has anchored us in eternal hope time and time again.

We know that the story God has written for our lives is not really about us.  God created us on purpose for the purpose of transforming us into the likeness of His Son so we can magnify and glorify His name . . . in ALL circumstances!

We believe that this journey is all for Him – and because He loves you so abundantly – it’s for you too!  

So, today, we step out in faith once again trusting that there is meaning and purpose beyond our finite understanding of the things God calls us to.  There is NOTHING that compares to the sweet invitation to follow Jesus.  We can fix our eyes upon Him knowing He will help us persevere.

We dedicate this blog to the One who rescued us from the idolatry of self; the One whose promises are true; the One who gives us the privilege to witness miracles; the One who allows suffering for the purpose of refinement; the One who communicates with us and guides us; the One who blesses us with a brotherhood and sisterhood that is bound by the blood of Christ; the One who never leaves us nor forsakes us; the One who calls us and sustains us. 

Eight years ago, God planted a dream seed in our heart: to blog together as husband and wife.  We envision our emerging sprout as a mustard tree . . . starting tiny yet growing abundantly in the grace of God.  We pray  www.got-pluck.com serves you and your family in times when you are able and also in times when you feel you are not.  We pray it encourages and equips you to run your race with endurance.  We pray that if affords you tangible tools to overcome physical and spiritual hurdles by His grace and for His glory.

If you’re wondering if you’ve “got pluck” – we are here to remind you that with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – you most certainly do!  Let’s grow strong and courageous together!


Restful Sleep


Maybe It’s Not Your Fault