Wellness, Food, Gardening, Nutrition Kathy Eiff Wellness, Food, Gardening, Nutrition Kathy Eiff

Gardening & Trellises

If gardening feels a bit intimidating . . . good! The greatest rewards come from starting and finishing quests that are challenging and unpredictable, that require dependency on God and that insist upon a process of patience and intentionality. It took me forty years to believe I could. It’s never too late to start learning something new!

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Wellness, Faith, Prayer Brandon Eiff Wellness, Faith, Prayer Brandon Eiff

Your Body Is Not Your Own

When you view your body as a spiritual temple, you are more likely to prioritize healthy practices that nourish your body and soul. This includes techniques such as healthy eating, physical movement, prayer, meditation on God's word, and rest. You begin to see your body not as a tool for achieving external goals but as a vehicle for attaining internal growth and transformation for the sake of the Kingdom.

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